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A Day of Dedication to Foster Care and Adoption at Vivante in Makamba, Burundi

On Sunday, August 18, 2024, hearts overflowed with joy at Vivante in the city of Makamba, Burundi. A special gathering was held to shed light on the heart of God for orphans, igniting hope in the community. The event centered around the crucial topics of foster care and adoption, drawing in 32 families who responded with open hearts and open homes to the call for adoption.

The day was nothing short of miraculous as families connected with the idea of providing loving, stable environments for children in need. Vivante, now designated as a center for family training in adoption and foster care, is set to become a beacon of hope and support for both the children and those willing to embrace them into their families.

Let us join in celebrating this beautiful display of compassion and commitment. The 32 families who stepped forward have embarked on a journey that will transform lives and instill a sense of belonging where it was once absent.

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