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Year-End Thanksgiving Prayer in Burundi

The year-end thanksgiving prayer in Burundi for 2025 was a significant event, marked by the participation of the President of Burundi's family and various high-ranking dignitaries. The event, which took place at the Technical Secondary School of Kemenge in Bujumbura, saw a large turnout of Burundian citizens from different provinces, all coming together to give thanks and seek guidance for the future.

Thanksgiving Prayer in Burundi Organized by the President's Family

The prayer began on December 28, 2024, and concluded with a closing ceremony on December 31, 2024. The theme of the prayer was drawn from Exodus 18:19-23, emphasizing the importance of fearing God, avoiding corruption and hypocrisy, and being humble and sincere. President Evariste Ndayishimiye, in his teachings, highlighted the detrimental effects of corruption on the development of families and the country. He urged the population to denounce any corrupt practices and emphasized the need to eradicate corruption in Burundi.

President Ndayishimiye also called on Burundians to respect their culture and morals, which he described as the foundation of both households and the nation. The ceremonies were marked by teachings on good governance, religious songs, and dances, all aimed at strengthening the participants and the nation as well as setting the path for the year.

Burundi's Thanksgiving Prayer Theme from Exodus 18:19-23

In his speech, President Ndayishimiye affirmed that Burundi is blessed by God, referring to it as a "country of milk and honey." He stressed the importance of turning to God before making any decisions and mentioned that the year 2025 would mark the beginning of the implementation of Burundi's vision as an emerging country.

The Thanksgiving Prayer in December 2024 in Burundi was attended by people from the many regions of the nation and leaders from various spheres of influence

The President emphasized that good leaders are enlightened by God in everything they do and respect the public good. He urged participants to pray for Burundi, change their behavior, and start the year 2025 with a new spirit. The event was a powerful reminder of the importance of faith, good governance, and the collective effort required to achieve the nation's development goals.

It was a great privilege and blessing to participate in this time of thanksgiving prayer for the nation of Burundi and the wonderful people who live here. Below are photos of the last day with guest speaker Ms. Valerie Huber specializing in Women's Health Issues from the United States of America.

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